Firedragons Vision for Healthy Bodies Supporting Healthy Minds

Through the camaraderie, self discovery, and discipline of Sports and Physical Education, CAIS aims to teach lessons that students will carry with them through life, long after the final buzzer. Our understanding of the benefits and goals for Sports and Physical Education are rooted in our Core Values. They are touchstones guiding behavior for players, coaches, and fans alike.
Perseverance 毅力
(Pushing Ourselves & Sticking With It)
Pursuing victory, but even more so self improvement, CAIS Sports and PE emphasize important life lessons about commitment, resilience, teamwork, and hard work. Focusing on these helps meet our mission to become our best selves and guarantees a win that endures no matter the score.
Courage 勇气
(Taking Risks and Responsibility)
Recognizing that developmentally appropriate physical activity is good for building healthy bodies, minds, and communities; CAIS encourages all students to be well-rounded by participating in after-school sports and taking pride in the privilege and responsibility of representing our school community and our mission to embrace Chinese.
Curiosity 好奇
(Pioneering New Possibilities)
Sports and PE cultivate a growth mindset by offering opportunities to explore one’s abilities in a supportive environment. CAIS Sports and PE offer a differentiated platform for kids to shine, excel, develop leadership and collaborative skills, and feel good about themselves by experiencing a different kind of success through a variety of sports.
Inclusion 包容
(Championing and Caring for Others in Our Community and Beyond)
CAIS welcomes children of different skill and experience levels to participate in after-school sports. While winning is an important motivator for student athletes, values such as inclusivity, contribution, and doing one’s best should always remain top priorities.
Kindness 善良
(Using Words and Actions to Support Ourselves and Others)
CAIS Sports and PE keep focus on the holistic development of every student and are designed to foster positive attitudes toward self (including health, movement, and exercise) and others (sportsmanship and our mission to contribute to a better world). We strive for Firedragon players, coaches, and fans to be exemplars of fair play, honoring both the game and opponents by being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

中美国际学校 CAIS 旨在透过由体育教育和团队运动中所建立的友谊互助、自我发现和纪律态度,来培养学生建立在场内外都受用的技能。CAIS 的核心价值观体现在体育教育和团队运动上所产生的正面效应用来建立成为我们指导球员,教练与观众行为标准的基石。
CAIS 体育运动除了在追求胜利之外,更重要的目标是培养学生们自我提升的能力,着重于培养具有承诺、韧性、团队合作和努力奋斗的习惯与特质。 专注于这些目标有助于保证无论比分如何, 我们在 “成为最好的自我” 的核心价值使命中, 都是胜利的一方。
CAIS 鼓励所有学生藉由通过参加课后体育活动的过程中,来认识体育活动与该适性发展能充份代表我们“拥抱中华文化” 的使命, 从而建立健康的身体, 心灵和归属感, 以成为全面发展的人感到自豪。
CAIS 透过团队运动和体育课所提供的辅助学习环境中, 让学生们得以透过一个多样化的平台来探索自己的能力。藉由各类型的运动技能学习,学生们能够发展领导能力和合作
技能,并透过体验不同类型的成功来增强自信, 培养成长的心态, 进而发光发热。
尽管赢得比赛对学生运动员来说是一个重要的学习动力来源, CAIS 运动团队首要考虑的是透过体育教育来培养学生运动员们建立互相包容、努力付出和尽力而为的价值观, 并欢迎不同技能和经验的所有学生们来参加各项课后体育活动。
CAIS 体育运动旨在增强对自我及其他面向的积极态度, 关注每位学生在自身健康、活动和锻炼的全面发展,以及培养运动家精神和我们“为更美好的世界贡献自己的能力” 的使命。我们努力让火龙队的球员、教练和观众透过在胜利中保持谦逊,在失败中保持优雅的态度, 來表示对比赛和对手的尊重, 成为公平竞争的典范。