19th Avenue

Time, Space, Program, and Staffing @ 19th Avenue

Since Spring 2022 we have been working with outside consultants to plan for the best way to evolve and innovate our program on the new campus. We are particularly focused on how to take advantage of new opportunities for visual and performing arts, PE and after school sports, outdoor learning and play, and cross-grade community building opportunities. During our work this month, we made several decisions about calendar, schedule, program, and staffing that leverage our new facilities. These include commitments to:

  • All school, all day events that punctuate the school calendar, such as sports or field day, arts day, etc.
  • All school partial day events
  • One or more “mini-mesters” (mini semesters) for higher grades where students can pursue interests and passions
  • Longer blocks of time for learning & instruction in homeroom, academic disciplines, and specials that facilitate deeper learning
  • Punctuating longer learning blocks with longer blocks for play and recreation
  • Cross age recess and play to foster community
  • An additional 30 minutes in the student day without adding additional content (to facilitate deeper learning)
  • Longer lunch
  • Immersive or intensive specials (e.g., 9 or 12 week rotation of specials classes, more frequent and longer time each week for each class)
  • Increased PE which will require increased PE staffing
  • As part of our increased focus on health, wellness, physical education, and after school sports, CAIS will be hiring an Athletic Director for the 2023-24 school year, i.e., one year ahead of our move to 19th Avenue.
  • Addition of a faculty member to take advantage of the theater, a primary focus on Chinese language and culture in the CAIS theater

We all know that the devil lies in the details, and we will spend the remainder of this school year and the next creating operational plans for the above decisions. Stay tuned for updates!

Proposed renovation for ECD Playground
Proposed renovation for Lower School and Middle School outdoor space