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Mid-Autumn Festival — A Festival in Our Heart

In September we celebrate one of the most important festivals in Asian countries, 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié), the Mid-Autumn Festival. When life threw us a curveball last year, our whole school…

Sep 21, 2021

Happy 40th Birthday CAIS! 四十而不惑 中美国际学校 生日快乐

We celebrated the milestone of completing the school’s 40th year of operation this spring at ShowCAIS 2021. By conventional reckoning in the US, the celebration of our actual “birthday” falls…

Sep 12, 2021

Wishing the Class of 2021 the Best in Their Outstanding High School Placements

In any year, the high school search process for the Bay Area and beyond is exceptionally complex and competitive. The pandemic gave the added wrinkle of moving the process entirely…

Aug 30, 2021

Announcing New Head of Early Childhood Wei Qian

There is a famous line in the Confucian text Meng Zi,《孟子》that says “one cannot have both fish and bear paw” (鱼与熊掌不可兼得). In the fourth century BCE, fish and bear paw were…

Apr 19, 2021

Traveling the World Right Here at Home

Due to the pandemic for the second consecutive school year, we cancelled long-awaited trips to Taiwan, Guilin, and Yunnan, not to mention a whole host of smaller annual events that…

Apr 07, 2021

Extraordinary Campus News for CAIS

We haven’t had news this big to share since Carol Ruth Silver first founded CAIS in 1981. Since those hope-filled days, CAIS has remained the pioneering home for Chinese immersion…

Apr 05, 2021

A Campus for ALL of CAIS and ALL Our Own

We haven’t had news this big to share since Carol Ruth Silver first founded CAIS in 1981. Since those hope-filled days, CAIS has remained the pioneering home for Chinese immersion…

Apr 05, 2021

Announcing New Chinese Program Director Cindy Chiang

Sad as we are to say farewell to departing rock star Kevin Chang after this school year, we are relieved and thrilled that lightning has struck CAIS twice. After an…

Mar 26, 2021

CAIS’s Role in Addressing Anti-Asian Aggression and Violence

Community has always been CAIS’s X factor, and we turn to community for strength when we face challenges. At CAIS, close to 80% of our families have at least one…

Mar 09, 2021

Celebrating Lunar New Year and the Year of the Ox

Enjoy a recording of this year’s Mass Greeting and past performances as well. The Lunar New Year is approaching—New Year’s day is Friday, February 12, in fact. At CAIS we welcome the Lunar…

Feb 11, 2021