Lower School

Thrilled to See All Our Progress

Happy New Year! After several months away on parental leave, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with you all as we turn the corner on this school year and look ahead to CAIS’s many exciting developments coming down the pike this spring and summer.

Like a fish swimming along who doesn’t notice the water it’s in, it can be difficult, when you are experiencing something every day, to truly appreciate the full complexity of what is happening around you. But for me, having stepped away from the day-to-day happenings at CAIS for the last several months and suddenly re-immersing myself in the thick of our school year in mid-swing, the impressive work is awe-inspiring. For example, amazing strides continue to be made in the design, documentation, and implementation of our new math curriculum. Those of us who know and appreciate CAIS’s rich history and commitment to innovative work in the field of immersion are not surprised to hear that our math curricular work includes the creation of the immersion education world’s very first bicultural and bilingual Chinese and English math standards. It’s simply never been done before the way it is now being done at CAIS. (If you missed the December Parent Ed event featuring a spotlight on our math work or would like to review any of the material, please enjoy the presentation recording below). What a joy and an opportunity to be back in the presence of our teacher leaders, their big hearts, and their dedication to the growth and development of your children.