Bissell's Blog


All News

Time, Space, Program, and Staffing @ 19th Avenue

Since Spring 2022 we have been working with outside consultants to plan for the best way to evolve and innovate our program on the new campus. We are particularly focused…

Mar 23, 2023

Back to the Future

Last week saw the welcome return of a pre-pandemic ritual—the departure of CAIS fifth graders for their two week Taiwan experience at the Chingshin Academy Middle School. Three years ago at…

Mar 22, 2023

Getting to 19th Avenue

The announcement to the CAIS community on October 27, 2021 that our bid for the 19th Avenue campus had been accepted was met with a level of celebration fitting for…

Mar 20, 2023

So Much Happening at 19th Avenue

When I was young, my mother often said, “things always get worse before they get better.” Actually, she said this to me when I was cleaning my room; it wasn’t…

Jan 19, 2023

Start, Stop, Reset: CAIS Strategic Vision

It was the week of Lunar New Year in 2020 that we released Reimagining CAIS: Our Strategic Vision for 2020-2025. The document included input from CAIS trustees, faculty, parents and students…

Jan 19, 2023

Lunar New Year Reflections for Year of the Rabbit

In mainland China, where I lived from 1999 to 2010, school children enjoy a month-long Lunar New Year holiday. Because I worked in a school during those years, I always…

Jan 18, 2023

Keeping Our Focus on Chinese Current Events

Like many of you, I have been spending more time thinking about China lately, based on recent events there.  This would include the apparent unsustainability of China’s “Zero Covid” policy,…

Dec 16, 2022

The Journey to 19th Avenue

“Yesterday’s News” (spoiler alert, scroll down if you want today’s news):October 7, 2020“机不可失时不再来” I receive an email notifying me that the Sisters of Mercy have put the campus of recently shuttered Mercy…

Nov 10, 2022

19th Avenue Opportunities

Last week we hosted consultants Simon Jeynes and Jenny Knight with whom we have been working since last spring to assist us with designing a school calendar and schedule for…

Oct 15, 2022

Happy Teachers’ Day on Confucius’s 2,573rd Birthday

Conventional wisdom has it that today, September 28, is Confucius’s 2,573rd birthday. That makes him even older than I am. In Taiwan, Teachers’ Day is also celebrated on Confucius’s birthday. …

Sep 28, 2022