Learning / Middle School

High School Search Counseling


CAIS has a strong record of placing students at the finest high schools in the Bay Area and beyond. We are committed to helping our students find the high school that best suits their academic ability as well as their social and extra-curricular interests. While a student may begin the high school search process interested in just one school, we encourage them to consider a wide breadth of options. We look forward to working with you to develop a list of “best fit” choices for each student.

Timeline for the High School Application Process

April of 7th Grade YearInitial High School Information meeting with
Mr. Mosconi and Mr. Williamson
June-Sept. —moving into 8th GradeFamily meeting with Mr. Mosconi to discuss individual High School Process
August of 8th Grade yearRequest all application information and schedule all school visits for all private schools
September of 8th Grade yearMock Interviews
September-Mid October of 8th Grade yearResearch and shadowing of prospective schools
Mid October-November of 8th Grade yearStart Preparing Applications
Gather general family information
Begin gathering ideas for family essays and student essays.
October of 8th Grade year8th Grade Student Survey due to Mr. Mosconi
Nov. 1-15 of 8th Grade yearDraft essays and responses for all applications.
Nov 15 of 8th Grade yearRecommendation requests due online or to Mr. Mosconi.
Nov. 16-30 of 8th Grade yearRevise essays short answers and copy onto final applications.
December-November of 8th Grade yearTypical timeframe for interviews
January 1-15 of 8th Grade yearReview your completed applications for the last time and mail or send to schools.
Remember to include all additional materials.
January of 8th Grade yearMake sure all work is submitted for all classes and prepare for end of the semester grades are due in the middle of January and your transcripts will be sent to your high schools January 15.
Mid March of 8th Grade yearNotifications of Acceptance are posted and sent out.  You have one week to make your choice!  

March-May of 8th Grade yearPlacement exams and placement recommendations from teachers (for some schools)