19th Avenue


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Building a Safe Haven: A Board Member’s Vision for CAIS

Alda Leu Dennis, mother of 7th graders William and Amelia and 4th grader Fiona, is a guiding force at CAIS as both a devoted board member and a leadership donor….

Dec 14, 2023

Building a Legacy: A Board Member’s Vision for CAIS

In the heart of CAIS, a story unfolds—one that intertwines the passion for education, community spirit, and a desire to leave a lasting legacy. Meet John Wang, father of Ella…

Nov 30, 2023

Building Our Forever Home: A Campaign for CAIS

In October 2021, CAIS embarked on a transformative journey to convert the former Mercy High School campus into a beacon of Chinese immersive education for children from preschool to 8th…

Oct 19, 2023

19th Ave Student Transportation Strategy

Having been in conversation with the community for more than a year and actively researching ways to meet concerns and opportunities for the better part of 2023, I am able…

Oct 17, 2023

Progress on Our New Home at 19th Avenue

By far the question I have been asked most often by CAIS parents in recent days (even more than “How was your summer?”) is “How are things going with the…

Sep 01, 2023

Announcing a New Era for Firedragons Athletics

I am delighted to announce that we have hired Mr. Ken Su, an experienced, Mandarin-speaking Athletic Director and middle school physical education teacher for the 2023-24 school year. Among the…

May 05, 2023

Time, Space, Program, and Staffing @ 19th Avenue

Since Spring 2022 we have been working with outside consultants to plan for the best way to evolve and innovate our program on the new campus. We are particularly focused…

Mar 23, 2023

Getting to 19th Avenue

The announcement to the CAIS community on October 27, 2021 that our bid for the 19th Avenue campus had been accepted was met with a level of celebration fitting for…

Mar 20, 2023

So Much Happening at 19th Avenue

When I was young, my mother often said, “things always get worse before they get better.” Actually, she said this to me when I was cleaning my room; it wasn’t…

Jan 19, 2023

The Journey to 19th Avenue

“Yesterday’s News” (spoiler alert, scroll down if you want today’s news):October 7, 2020“机不可失时不再来” I receive an email notifying me that the Sisters of Mercy have put the campus of recently shuttered Mercy…

Nov 10, 2022